Trova un medico
Using this search you can search for all Doctors specialists acting as directors in hospitals of the Puglia region or at the clinics.
To use the search:.
1. You can select the discipline hospital or specialty clinic of the hospital where the doctor works from the first drop-down menu.
2. specify Also a part of the name strong> in the medical field "Name doctor"
3. click on the submit button
E 'can also limit your search to a province using the pull-down menu "Province".
If you do not specify the name of the doctor and you select only the Specialization system extracts all the facilities of the specialization required.
To use the search:.
1. You can select the discipline hospital or specialty clinic of the hospital where the doctor works from the first drop-down menu.
2. specify Also a part of the name strong> in the medical field "Name doctor"
3. click on the submit button
E 'can also limit your search to a province using the pull-down menu "Province".
If you do not specify the name of the doctor and you select only the Specialization system extracts all the facilities of the specialization required.
Risultati della ricerca
Doctor | Structure |